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The historical evolution of kitchen

Release time:2019-10-23 14:15:41 Clicks:
1. The first is the textual research of ancient architectural sites. The primitive people lived in natural caves with poor living conditions. They ate wild vegetables, wild fruits, wild animals and meat to satisfy their hunger. They lived a so-called life of "drinking blood from raw animals". They didn't know how to make cooked food. Later, I tasted the meat of wild animals burned by lightning and found the delicacy of cooked food. Of course, the invention of drilling wood for fire made it possible for human beings to formally start the habit of cooked food, which is also the first step into human civilization. For example, the stone wall of Zhoukoudian cave, where Peking man lived, left traces of fireworks and charcoal. The habit of cooked food has greatly improved the human constitution and is the guarantee of human evolution.

2. Houses centered on the fire pool. About 6000-7000 years ago, China entered the clan society. With the change of people's labor tools and skills, human beings gradually developed from cave to half cave, and finally moved to the ground. From the excavated houses, we can find that there was a fire pool in the center of the houses built on the ground. The fire pool is generally located in the middle of the house or far away from the door. The fire in the fire pool does not extinguish all the year round for ready use. It can be sat around for easy movement. After a day's work or when the weather is too bad to work, the fire pool becomes the center of family activities. The stories handed down by generations are accompanied by the smoke curling up in the fire pond, maintaining the reproduction and civilization of a nation. There are carbon blocks and animal bones left in the hearth, and smoke vents are set on the roof. This arrangement has many functions such as cooking, heating, dehumidification and animal prevention. However, because it is not isolated from the whole room, the smoke is diffused in the whole room, and the sanitary conditions are very poor. Due to the traditional habits and regional characteristics, Huotang is still preserved in some minority houses. For example, yurts in Mongolia, bamboo buildings in Southwest China, etc.

3. The house where the stove is in a corner. With the development of production and the change of life style, people's material life is gradually enriched, and their diet has changed from barbecue to cooking. At this time, the building technology is becoming more and more perfect, which objectively creates the conditions for improving the housing in the middle of the fire pool. In order to solve the problem of smoke exhaust and convenient operation of the stove, the stove gradually moves from the middle of the room to a corner. The fireplace has also been correspondingly improved and changed into a brick stove. The pot is set on the stove, and there is a chimney built along the wall. It is relatively sanitary, safe and tidy. It has the function of heating while cooking, such as the Kang stove in the north, the brick stove in the south, the coal stove and the coal ball stove in the urban residence, etc., but in essence, this kind of kitchen still belongs to other spaces, which has not been completely solved. It's part of the interference.

4. As there are many special utensils, tools, food and fuel in the kitchen operation, the independent kitchen (kitchen) needs a large storage area. At the same time, in order to reduce the interference of the kitchen to other spaces, it gradually develops to the mode that the kitchen is separated from the whole house and becomes independent. At that time, China's population structure was dominated by large families, and water wells were used to draw water, so the area of such kitchens was large, often on the side of the backyard, generally low, leading to insufficient lighting. At the same time, because most of the housekeepers do housework for the hostess, the furnishings in the kitchen can reflect her aesthetic view and feature practicality. Cooking utensils are often hung on the wall, which is easy to use and makes the wall more layered. This kind of layout appeared very early in the bricks of Han tombs unearthed in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, and there are also examples of the existing Ming and Qing old houses.

5. Open kitchen. With the development of modern science and technology, it is possible for engineers and technicians to improve the kitchen design in function. In view of some common problems, such as the pollution of fuel, exhaust gas, oil smoke and water vapor, the storage of main and non-staple food, and the messy environment, etc., have been properly solved, so that the kitchen environment has been greatly improved, from greasy and humid to a comfortable and elegant environment for cooking and dining, which is open and tidy, so that the housewife can complete the chores such as washing clothes and looking after children while cooking. The main features of modern kitchen layout include setting facilities according to the operation sequence, so that the operators can operate in a orderly manner, so as to reduce the repeated work of reciprocating cross; paying attention to the exhaust gas emission, keeping the air fresh in the house, and reducing the damage to human body to a very small extent; considering the scale and coordination of facilities. In order to enhance the reasonable fluidity of the indoor space, to arrange the storage space reasonably, to improve the indoor sanitary condition, so that the kitchen space can be used reasonably to a large extent.
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